Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.436 - 420: Let’s go, let’s hunt together!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.436 - 420: Let’s go, let’s hunt together!

Chapter 436: Chapter 420: Let’s go, let’s hunt together!

Translator: 549690339

Yi spent a good while apologizing in his live broadcast room, so much so that even the shopkeeper who sells headphones started sending him gifts, which made him quickly wrap up that segment.

Otherwise, he was genuinely afraid that he wouldn’t be able to play multiplayer games in the future.

Even tonight’s situation wasn’t really suitable for him to engage in multiplayer battle in Night City – he would definitely be sought out and attacked!

Without his fans protecting him, he would undeniably be cornered all the way to his respawn point and killed.

The “Heike” ninja, renowned for their assassination skills, did pose a considerable threat to those camping at respawn points, but this was a cost they could bear.

As long as there were enough people, divided into seven or eight different groups, they could take turns camping the respawn point.

During these respawn point camps, they just had to remember to let different people land the final blow each time, which would stall the ninja’s appearance as much as possible.

Even if the ninja appeared and one group got wiped out, it was no big deal, the next group would just step up to continue the cycle.

As long as sufficient people were present, someone could always be camped.

So, how does one deal with this predicament?

Of course, by calling in an equally large number of people!

Specifically, for Yi, he needs his fans for protection and a large enough number of them to counterbalance the enemy forces.

But here’s the problem: Can his fans organize such a large number of people?

Keep in mind, those who wanted to hunt him down this time were likely to number in the “tens of thousands”.

Although it’s unlikely all of them would come at once, the actual number of people he needed to face was much less than that. But a more severe problem was that compared to protecting him, the majority of Yi’s fans would prefer to enjoy the show, or even join the other side to attack him…

As for not playing multiplayer and opting for single-player?

No, no, after completing the main missions, single-player games simply couldn’t produce much of an entertaining performance.

Would Yi give up the entertainment factor and just get by?

He’d rather be camped and killed at respawn points.

Even though his gaming experience would be poor, at least his audience could enjoy the spectacle.

After pondering for a long time, Yi still couldn’t figure out what to stream.

Until a viewer suddenly asked: “Yi, can you use flash bombs in ‘Paradise’s’ wilderness?”

“Wilderness? Sounds feasible, I’ve used it in the amusement park before, put it away before it could react to any stimuli, why do you ask?” Yi replied in confusion.

“Try it, try it! If it works, go hunting! The hunting group is short on crowd control!”

“Hunting group??” Yi was full of question marks, “What is that?”

“It’s Hu’s Hunting Group!”

“So what exactly is this [Hu’s Hunting Group] you’re talking about?” Yi asked, while starting a search for related information.

The first search result was a video: ‘Hu’s Hunting Group – Hunting the Leopard!’

The second result was a Vortex Forum post: ‘Hu’s Hunting Group, First Recruitment!’

The third was also a Vortex Forums post, but the title had obviously changed perspectives: ‘Hu’s Hunting Group? What’s with these people!’

Yi, quite interested, clicked on the video.

At the beginning of the video, a player named “Hu” was crouching in the grass, trying to approach a leopard not far away, with four other players following him.

However, one of those following tripped up and made a bit too much noise, causing the leopard to turn around and charge at them without hesitation!

The several players didn’t panic when they saw the leopard incoming but stood up to fight.

Two of them wielded thin iron spears, and the remaining three held disassembled stool legs, ready to fight the leopard, their actions were spectacular.

Finding weapons in a virtual amusement park was much harder than in reality.

At least in a real amusement park, there are security offices and fire stations where one could find a decent amount of stuff.

However, in a virtual amusement park, neither of these things exists —— after all, even in the event of a fire, it wouldn’t cause any harm to the players.

“This is intense!” Yi exclaimed.

Not just him, but many players in the broadcast room were also surprised to learn for the first time that there was such a way to play the game.

But just when everyone thought that these five players were about to kill the leopard, the leopard dodged the spears and pounced on a player.

Then, despite being hit by multiple stool legs, the leopard still managed to bite the player’s neck.

Then another…

In less than thirty seconds, all five players were killed off, with only the leading “Hu” succeeding in punching a hole in the leopard.

Yi and his audience were a bit taken aback.

The scene then cut to the same five players, restarting their fight.

Then they wiped out again…

They regrouped and fought again, only to wipe out once more…

The scenes then went into five-times speed, showing repeated failures with the group continuously getting mauled and eaten by the leopard.

However, during this, their cooperation became more and more tacit, and the injuries inflicted on the leopard became increasingly severe.

Finally, after one last round, Hu seized the opportunity, threw himself onto the leopard, pressing it underneath him.

His teammates seized the opportunity, while the leopard could not escape Hu’s grasp, they gave their all to pin the leopard to the ground!

With two dead and two injured, the hunt was successful!

“Impressive!” Yi exclaimed once again.

He casually clicked into the account homepage and immediately found that although this account wasn’t very popular, they had a high video production rate.

According to the history of the posts, they started with a team of three catching sheep and hunting deer, then they turned to carnivorous animals: lynxes, clouded leopards, wolves, hyenas, black bears.

There were successes and failures.

The team members varied in number and were frequently changed.

The hunting of the leopard he had just watched was their latest and most glorious achievement.

Without hesitation, Yi opened the recruitment post, curious about the requirements needed to join such a formidable team and whether he could meet them.

“Recruitment conditions: Have free time, fearless, has stable online hours.”

“????” Yi was surprised by this requirement, “That’s it?”

Looking at those people who were so bold that they dared to wrestle a leopard with a stool leg, he had thought it might require some sort of “three years of hunting, five years of hand-to-hand combat” experience or something…

Turns out, anyone can join!

“This is too rash!” Yi couldn’t help but exclaim.

As he complained, he clicked on the third search result.

It turned out to be a group of “kind-hearted people” strongly opposing the primitive hunting behavior in “Paradise,” a game that is harmonious, friendly, healthy, and showcases the beauty of nature.

They deemed this behavior as excessively violent and bloody, completely inappropriate, even calling for all players to boycott such actions.

“Oh, a boycott.” Yi nodded absentmindedly, “Good luck with that.”

He then promptly closed the page and started to contact Hu – Hu had left his account ID in the initial recruitment post.

As it was peak time for players to be online plus Hu’s team had bolstered their strength and accumulated enough experience and were planning to take down a tiger, Hu was naturally online too.

The communication ran smoothly.

Although Hu didn’t know much about Yi, only that he was a streamer, Hu was very enthusiastic about any players who had the same interests or even just interested in hunting. ƒrē

Upon hearing someone wanted to join, without waiting for Yi to showcase his “flash bomb,” Hu immediately welcomed him with great enthusiasm.

He was eager for talents!

After adding each other as friends, Yi immediately logged into “Paradise”.

But after appearing in the amusement park, he suddenly remembered something. Instead of rushing to meet Hu in the wilderness, he turned around and left the amusement park.

Without any sensation of changing the map, he smoothly arrived at the streets of the Metropolis.

He felt around and found that the gun and spare magazine he always wore in the Metropolis had appeared on his waist.

He backed up and re-entered the amusement park, and the gun disappeared again.

— This was to be expected, and Yi didn’t feel disappointed.

He returned to the Metropolis again and easily found a fire axe, taking it with him into the amusement park.

Unfortunately, the axe also disappeared.

“Okay, that was expected too.” Yi sighed, these attempts were probably made by Hu already.

But he was still not ready to give up: “So, what about armor?”

Yi directly private messaged Hu: “Can we hunt while wearing bulletproof vests?”

“You can’t bring armor here, and even if you could, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it. It’s not effective and it’s not flexible.” Hu replied.

When wild beasts attack, they often aim at weak spots like the neck and groin, which ordinary bulletproof vests can’t protect.

On top of being too heavy, it significantly impairs flexibility. And when facing agile beasts, lack of flexibility often means death.

So the members of Hu’s team never consider layering up with winter clothes for extra protection, they always fight in casual clothes.

“What about a bulletproof suit? Does it also greatly affect agility?” Yi continued to ask.

“????” Hu replied with three question marks. “What’s that?”

“??????” Yi immediately sent back twice as many question marks.

“Haven’t you played ‘Speed Chase’?”

Th𝓮 most uptodate nov𝑒ls are publish𝒆d on ƒreewebηoveℓ.com.

“No.” Hu answered concisely, “It’s just people fighting each other, it’s not interesting, one game is enough.”

“Alright then.” This was something Yi did not expect, “Wait a bit, I’m going to show you something good.”

After that, Yi immediately logged into Night City to change his clothes.

Bulletproof suits are considered high-tech, they are lightweight and barely affect agility.

But the problem is, as a gamer who plays online games all day, always wearing the same suit can become tiresome.

Players from Daxia don’t like to wear suits much in their daily lives – compared to sportswear, the comfort level of suits just doesn’t measure up.

Moreover, the style and form of a suit inherently has its restrictions, it definitely won’t be as flexible as sportswear when moving.

So, despite the bulletproof suit being pretty good, many players, including Yi, don’t like to wear them when playing games daily.

Only when they are prepared to fight, will they arm themselves fully by putting on all they can.

The main reason why Yi thought of this thing now was – it has both the properties of “clothing” and “armor”.

It can be seen as a suit-shaped armor made, or just a suit made of high-polymer fiber materials.

So, maybe he can wear it in?

Five minutes later, Yi entered the amusement park again.

“Hahaha!” Touching the bulletproof suit still intact on his body, Yi burst out laughing: “I’m such a genius! Let’s get the wilderness hunting going!”

Filled with the excitement and joy of successfully exploiting the game’s bugs, he started the off-road vehicle newly added to the amusement park without a second thought and sped to where Hu was.

Above Yi, a giant hot air balloon rose from the amusement park and slowly drifted toward the wilderness.

This was a new amusement facility added last week, now it was quite popular.

In the hot air balloon, one player looked down at Yi’s car speeding out of the amusement park, confusedly asking his friend, “What’s going on these two days? Why so many people going to the wilderness every day?”

“Who knows? Yesterday a bunch of people went crazy saying there was a dragon in the wilderness. Don’t know how many people rushed in to look for it, after spending the whole night there, didn’t find shit.”

“Is that what these people are doing today?”

“Doesn’t seem like it…” The friend shook his head, “Oh well, forget about them, let’s look at the snow-covered mountains in the distance!”

At this moment, they were standing in the basket of the hot air balloon, beneath their feet was the vast grassland, as far as they could see were herds of migrating elephants, winding valleys, patches of scattered forests, basically a typical tropical grassland scenery.

But at the end of their line of sight, stood a majestic snowy peak, as broad and tall as the whole world. It shone with an incredible white light under the sunlight.

This was Lincoln’s style, in memory of a writer he admired.

