Dual Cultivation God Returns - C.493 Patience


Wu Long woke up from a rather deep sleep, sensing four gorgeous beauties sleeping on his two sides.

'Hah, really, even though I told them I am not so frail to not lean on me'

He smiled, seeing that none of them actually leaned onto him.

Lian Zhiqiu sensed his awakening, waking up as her sleep was the lightest of them all.

"You really were exhausted..."

She spoke softly her eyes filled with care while her hand gently touched his chest and he smiled, not arguing with this assessment. Even for someone like him, the amount of strain he put on himself during this period was quite substantial.

"But thanks to you four I have recovered quite nicely"

He chuckled, the wound he got from Do Bishui completely melting away while the one on his side that he got from the spider became much less apparent.

His internal injuries from exceeding his limits also healed, along with his fatigue and Spiritual Qi replenishing.

"So I can ask you about our invited guests?"

The caring look in her eyes rapidly shifted as she raised one eyebrow and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Haha... well... you said it yourself. I had the Sect Master token and... well, yeah, I know"

"Kh...hahahaha! As long as you get it"

She laughed in a low voice seeing his face, and he smiled in return.

"Did you get everything you needed in there?"

Her tone then shifted yet again, becoming calm and collected, as she sat up on the bed and brushed her hair to one side with her hand, a light smile still appearing on her face as she saw him laying back with hands behind his head, his eyes admiring her body she did not hide at all.

"Mm, and even more. Though, not going to lie, dealing with that alchemist is gradually becoming more annoying. He seems quite hellbent on testing my patience"

"Hahaha, you're not going to abandon all the preparations because of that, are you?"

"Haa~... well, the thought does cross my mind once in a while. But then I am reminded how saddened Lan'er would be if this conflict is resolved in the most direct way without finishing what we started and I relent"

"You really are kind to your women"

"Hmm, it is because I believe you all deserve it and more"

He lightly replied in the most natural tone, as if it was a matter of fact that did not even have to be mentioned, and her heart quivered at being included in his statement, her gaze momentarily revealing a flash of emotions.

"But then again, I am also doing it for myself.

There is something beautiful about her pure view, her belief in the good. Something I have long lost... and only by meeting her realized that part of me mourns the loss of it"

"Are you going to revive it then?"

"No... at least I don't hold much hope for it... it is far too late for that as I see it. But I can still yearn for it"

He shook his head with a rueful smile, memories of a timespan she could not truly comprehend flashing in his eyes in mere moments.

"Haha, I cannot hold that view as well, at least to the extent she does. But as you said, I can feel a certain appeal in it"

She smiled, finding some truth in his words, but then her gaze became playful again.

"So~ are you then going to show mercy to those who crossed you?"

"Hahaha, I am not a saint, Zhiqiu. And even Lan'er is not so naive. An aspiration to be good does not mean being ignorant of reality. What is important is the intention"

His hand reaching up to the ceiling with an open palm clenched into a fist.


Sui Luxiao made a slight noise, her eyes softly opening, still sleepy as Lian Zhiqiu chuckled.

"Haha, you sure didn't go easy on us... though I do understand"

This time their cultivation was taxing on his partners as he was using their Yin Qi to supplement his process of recovery.

And though they still benefited from cultivating with him it was much less than usual, and they did not get as much of a boost to their stamina in the process, meaning they had to last with their own stamina against his until he received all of the Yin Qi they could give.

"I will take the girls to the Arcane Spring. Even though it can't restore our Yin Qi after we used its potency with Ziyan before, it still has enough efficacy so we are at least not as exhausted"

Lian Zhiqiu then told him as the two still sleeping beauties began waking up as well.

He nodded with a smile, giving a kiss to each of the four of his ladies and watching them stand up from the bed, the sight bringing a refreshing feeling.

They then wore light robes and followed the Great Seductress to the hot spring located not far from this room in the private part of the mansion.

"Haa~ I should get going as well"

He sighed as the sight he was admiring and the warm and cozy atmosphere of his women being around him slowly faded.

He got up, wore his clothes and came out to the balcony as the sun already rose high into the sky.


He lightly stepped, his figure rising into the air and landing on the railing, and with the next step on it disappearing into distance.

"...time to check my gains"

His lips curled up and a glint of anticipation appeared in his eyes, traveling deep into the Spiritual Lands of his Sect.

At the same time he felt the connection with the newly acquired Rune.

A new sensation appeared as he felt the currents of air against his skin, flapping his clothes, swaying the trees and grass beneath his feet and moving clouds high above.

He first moved from mountain side to mountain side and then picked out the tallest tress, traveling at a speed no Demonic Beast in these lands could even register.

The wind around him started slightly parting, giving way to him as his speed increased tremendously just from that slight difference of lessening headwind.

A great many of movement techniques contained various ways to block, avoid or lessen headwind, increasing one's speed. But none of them could do it so effortlessly and efficiently.

'Hmm, it is indeed a Wind Rune...'

His thoughts stirred as he felt only wind through it, and nothing else. But the feeling that the Dao Rune was not so simple still did not leave him as he explored its effects.

As previously, he did not have any idea how to control it, the wind not impeding his movement forward being a light effect as much as the water sliding off of him without making him or his clothes wet with the Water Rune.

Though he did have an instinct as to which direction he could move much like with the Water Rune, precisely because of that passive ability since he could subtly feel the way it controlled the wind.

He quickly figured out the very basic process, producing Wind Qi that garnered a small whirlwind in the palm of his hand.

"Is Lightning Rune unique in being hard to control or are the Water and Wind Rune easier to control than others? Or perhaps it is affinity for attributes?"

He pondered out loud as he stopped in a clearing, already quite far from the Yin Yang Unity Palace.

The small whirlwind in his hand gained more momentum, raising a small wind around him as the grass, bushes and trees were pushed to the side all around him, small dust particles, twigs and pieces of grass flying in circles.

'Tch, as I thought, it takes up too much Spiritual Qi for such a small effect. While I now have insight into the Water Rune, both the Lightning Rune and now Wind Rune are still hard to control, though not as hard as before'

He thought as he stretched his hand forward, small arcs of electricity appearing within the whirlwind, each one seemingly feeding the other, growing in size and intensity until the whirlwind surrounded him.

Both then dissipated as he released his control over them.

"But... now I can be certain of at least one possibility of this Dao Rune"

He then smiled, still satisfied with the results as he was capable of being patient.

There was no use in being frustrated over short-term setbacks, since the long-term benefits will follow.

What was important was that he got the Wind Rune now.

After his enlightenment with the Water Rune, his intuition told him that he would uncover more of the secrets of Dao Runes after reaching the Essence Awakening Realm in which all cultivators who had elemental attributes awakened them.

