Dual Cultivation God Returns - C.495 Principles


?While Wu Long was away, there was a meeting in one of the halls provided to the Frozen Garden Palace, as the Elders and Grand Elder Qu discussed their situation and possible plans.


After some time, Xue Bing placed her hand on Qiu Yilao's shoulder, who turned, and seeing the look in the former's eyes slightly sighed.

"Haa~ I know..."

She nodded, and turned to the gathering which were currently debating possible means of strengthening to someday retaliate against the traitors.

"... everyone, there is a proposal we were given which could hold great potential for our Sect..."

Qiu Yilao's voice broke the arguments, as the attention concentrated on her while she explained the gist of Wu Long's proposal.

"Wh- what kind of proposal is that?"

"Is he taking us for fools?"

"Palace Master! You cannot possibly be considering this lunacy, can you?"

The Elders first were taken by surprise, but the brief moment of silence was then broken by their voices while Qiu Yilao made a wry smile, since that proposal fared exactly as well as she thought it would.

"Calm down everyone, let the Palace Master finish the explanation"

But surprisingly, the one who held the most calm was Grand Elder Qu, causing Qiu Yilao, as well as everyone else to turn eyes full of surprise to her as they expected her reaction to be the most severe.

Xue Bing's Master then nodded to the unexpected 'ally' and continued her explanation, listing out the benefits of allying themselves with Wu Long.

"Hmm, Palace Master, may I speak up?"

One of the small number of most respected Inner Court Elders spoke after the silence once more fell onto the Hall, receiving a nod from Qiu Yilao.

"It seems to me that this proposal is indeed incredibly alluring, its advantages very clear. I believe what most Elders are reluctant about is the integrity of our Great Sect, especially in light of the renegades claiming to seek legitimacy over us.

After all, how could we claim to be the true Frozen Garden Palace if we abandon our doctrines and traditions for the sake of power. We will also be effectively giving away our agency to an outsider..."

Many Elders nodded along with her words, as this concern resonated with them all. But as another respectable Elder showed the will to speak up, the agreeing murmurs faded while Qiu Yilao made a gesture to speak freely.

"While I can sympathize with that sentiment, it is also true that as it stands now we would lose legitimacy either way, and even our very survival is at risk here.

This proposal, while undeniably changing our ways, does give us a way forward, and possibly to heights we could not have imagined otherwise"

"Are you saying that we have to sacrifice our very identity as the Frozen Garden Palace in the name of survival and more power, betraying the very principles that have been at the core of our teachings? Is that not the very thinking of those renegades who claim to be the 'new Frozen Garden Palace'?"

Another voice spoke up with a clear doubt over such an approach and thinking.

"Desperate times..."

The Elder who seemed supportive of the idea sighed, causing a frown to appear on the faces of both Elders opposing.

"Hah, if desperate times is all it takes for us to abandon our principles, perhaps we should have indeed followed those traitors. After all, are they not making the same excuse?"

"And what is it exactly that you want us to do then? To lose in a beautiful way, perishing with our principles intact and heads held high? It might be a beautiful sentiment, and a noble thing to do.

I might be even willing to do so, but I will certainly not lead my disciples to their deaths without giving them so much as a chance to decide their fates!

It is not like participation will be compulsory, every Sect Disciple can refuse to accept this arrangement!"

"They are the disciples of the Frozen Garden Palace! It is their duty and pride to follow the Sect in good times and bad!"

The Hall became slightly noisy with low murmurs in the background and the two Elders arguing both sides of the issue.

"If I may..."

In the midst of their heated talks, a slightly chilly and emotionless voice resounded, which instantly cooled the room as everyone's eyes turned to Xue Bing.

Seeing the rapt attention, caused by the fact that she rarely, if ever, weighed in on any discussions, and that tacitly gave a positive answer to her interjection, she opened her mouth to speak further.

"The way I see it, Elder Ri is correct that using power and survival, and any other benefits of this proposal to justify abandoning our ways will make us no better than those who denied them for seemingly similar reasons..."

She first turned to the Elder who opposed the proposal, as murmurs of approval went through the hall while the Elder who opposed heaved a heavy sigh, recognizing the truth in those words.

"...however, we have to recognize that time does pass outside of the Eversnowing Valley, and while our ways might have been correct for our Sect at one point, this may no longer hold true"

Her next words caused the Elder who she first agreed with to widen her eyes, as bring gasps out of the others.

"...We have to accept that times change.

I do not oppose the principles of our Sect because of dire straits. But I do see that we might need to rethink our ways on their own merits"

She then added, as contemplation appeared on the faces of not only Elders, but her own Master.

'Since when did Bing'er become so accepting of change?'

The latter also was slightly confused, since her Disciple seemed to be always frozen in time, unchanging, unmoved by anything happening around.

"Are you saying that the Founding Principles of our Sect no longer can be held as our virtue?"

Grand Elder Qu raised her voice for the first time since urging Qiu Yilao to continue explaining.


If the principles we held could be considered absolute or moral virtue, existing to fulfill or instill a grander purpose for the existence of the Sect, there would likely not be any need to think them over.

But, as they are rooted not in morals or any absolute truths, we have the right to question them, as well as question if they fit the vision of the Sect we hold.

Ultimately, principles of any Sect are there only for the benefit of the sect, and to ensure the Sect would stand the test of time"

Xue Bing nodded, her expression still as cold and emotionless, but her thinking clearly showing signs of change.

"Is that not the same thing as betraying the principles we are beholden to because of a dangerous situation?"

The Elder opposing spoke in slight confusion.

"To an extent it is similar.

But you have to understand that Wen Mei spoke the words opposing the 'old ways' to shield herself and her followers from guilt. They need a moral justification to betray the Sect, one that would allow them to live with themselves.

If that was truly their way of thinking, would they not at least attempt to challenge the principles of the sect in the same way Prime Disciple Xue just did in all those years their betrayal brewed?

The main difference comes in what primarily drives our judgement.

Is it cowardice and desire that truly drives Wen Mei and those who sided with her, or is it the recognition of the need to change?"

Grand Elder Qu spoke with an introspective expression and tone of voice.

"Indeed, while adhering to principles is an admirable trait, refusing to challenge them under any circumstances will lead to stagnation and eventual ruin"

Qiu Yilao nodded, seeing Xue Bing's point as the rest of the Elders sank into thhoughts as well.

'Hah, and here I thought I needed to sweeten the deal'

Wu Long thought as he leaned on one of the columns, his presence noticed by everyone in the room since they knew he would be arriving but not explicitly acknowledged as he was only allowed to participate as a spectator due to his numerous contributions to their Sect.

His eyes reflecting Xue Bing revealed a look of appreciation and being impressed.

