The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World - C.317 - 209 Please the City God to Discuss Law_2

The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

C.317 - 209 Please the City God to Discuss Law_2

Chapter 317: Chapter 209 Please the City God to Discuss Law_2

Translator: 549690339

At the same time, above Fengtian town, a sixteen-foot-tall monk materialized in the air, his body radiating golden light. A Heavenly Dragon twirled behind him, immense Buddhist power shining brightly in a thousand-mile radius.

The sky above Fengtian city glowed like it contained a second sun. But of course, this extra celestial body was only visible to those dedicated to spiritual cultivation. To ordinary folk, the sky merely seemed a little brighter, but this subtle shift was often overlooked by people too preoccupied with their daily affairs to notice.

“You have some nerve, running rampant in the city. I see you’ve cultivated a golden body. Let me see how well you’ve done, monk!”

A ghost-god figure also appeared in the heavens, garbed in golden armor. Unlike the monk who previously displayed his golden body, this ghost-god, now unabashedly embracing its full potential, grew to a terrifying size of 150 feet.

The colossal, mountainous form of this divine entity took only a brief moment to appear. However, its vast aura was enough to scatter the clouds drifting in the sky above Fengtian city.

The confrontation between the esteemed monk and the military judge of Fengtian, two individuals no longer holding back their powers, resulted in dramatic atmospheric changes. This event attracted the attention of many cultivators in the city who halted their activities to observe and crane their necks upwards, eager not to miss a moment.

“Compared to my senior brother, you are far behind!”

Facing this ghost-god, the monk, who journeyed thousands of miles across the maritime border, gave a quiet sigh. The Nine Ring Copper Staff, which emerged along with his golden body, was raised high and then, with a boom, came crashing down.


Having not clashed with a cultivator for several decades, the ghost-god, who assumed today’s encounter would offer a hearty battle, now opened its eyes wide, its stern face betraying a trace of astonishment.

In the next instant, the monumental ghost-god form, as magnificent as a mountain range, crumbled like a sand structure washed away by a flood. Reduced to streams of light scattered across the sky, it rained a spectacular light shower that was quite a sight in the eyes of the cultivators.

“What just happened?”

“What’s the matter with that military judge?”

“Did the judge lose?!”

“What on earth did that monk, no… that master, do?”

The sudden atmospheric shift had the cultivators craning their necks to witness the spectacle. But they were left completely stunned and couldn’t comprehend what occurred.

All they saw was the incredibly small monk, compared to the ghost-god form, lightly wield his copper staff. The ghost-god form crumbled as if it were made of sand, not leaving even a speck behind.

The military judge of Fengtian, facing off against the visiting monk from West Xi Lan Continent, was instantly destroyed before he even had the chance to fight back!

“This master’s virtuous conduct truly is abundant!”

While watching the scene of the ghost-god of Fengtian being obliterated in mid-air, Feng Qing’an couldn’t hold back a sigh of admiration. Peeping from the collar of his robe was a small dragon named Ming Long that admired the spectacle as well.


“Hmm? Martial arts?!”

Hearing Ming Long’s humming, Feng Qing’an bent down in astonishment, looking towards Ming Long.


“I see. It’s not pure martial arts. He cultivates Buddhist methods while simultaneously practicing martial arts!”

Feng Qing’an roughly understood the approach of this esteemed monk, but even if Ming Long didn’t remind him, he could figure it out. That monk’s profound life force, bordering on non-human, couldn’t escape his watchful eyes.

He had seen monks before; a monarch related to him had, due to certain circumstances, invited over a dozen highly accomplished monks to deliver sermons in the underworld.

None of these esteemed masters had such terrifying life force. No warrior he had seen possessed such extravagant vigor. Come to think of it, was the environment in West Xi Lan Continent really that harsh? Monks there not only had such vigor but also tolerated the cohabitation of humans and demons.

“When will that master come back?”

“He won’t abandon us here, will he?”

“What about Mr. Hu and his two cross-bred descendants?”

“We should report this to the authorities, they can’t ignore us when a human is involved with a demon!”

“Yes, we should report it, and let the authorities handle it. But one thing is for sure; they can’t stay here any longer!”

The clamor from the crowd pulled Feng Qing’an’s gaze back from the sky. After glancing at the inflamed crowd and pondering a bit, he ordered his sidekick Black Mountain to roar.


The roar from Black Mountain, deliberately kept small despite his true power, hushed the noisy crowd. All eyes turned to a young man in white attire standing amidst the crowd. He leisurely pulled out a golden badge from his sleeves.

“If you wish to report this to the authorities, there’s no need. Speak directly to me about any of your thoughts, I’m the roaming inspector from the night patrol office. I can supervise all the officials and investigate any matters related to demons and weird incidents!”

Seeing such a young individual suddently reveal that he belonged to the official ranks, and even though they hadn’t heard about night patrol office, but by the sound of it, it seemed quite powerful. Everyone was stunned by Feng Qing’an’s imposing demeanour.

“Dear young official, I saw you standing here all the time, so you must be well-acquainted with what has transpired. We don’t have any demands per se, we just don’t want to live with demons, and that includes those who have been tainted by them!”

